My name is Crystal Lee and I am the writer of Perth Gigs Blog page on blog spot.
My blog is all about Gigs that are coming to Perth that i find interesting or would like to see.
Make sure to check it out.
Todays post is about my veiw on Music.
The music I like is barely heard these days. Many people close off to anything not on the radio or not "Main Stream". I think if people opened up their minds to all kinds of music they'd be quite surprised by what they find.
I find that alot of the popular music these days doesnt involve actual instruments. I think the
majority have forgotten what real music is. The real instruments and live gigs that have crazy, amazing atmospheres. The gigs that make you want to jump and dance or even just to feel something.
Music should be about people getting out there and having ago on an instrument and who cares if it sucks as long as theyre enjoying it and having fun.
I dont think auto tune and didgital computer sounds are counted as music. Sure its a form of enjoyment to some people but it is really art? Not to me.